St Michael's CE Primary

Diverse Britain Curriculum

Our school is a place of belonging and somewhere where every member of our community feels as though they are confident and safe in their identify.  

Therefore, we believed that the curriculum and culture that we foster should be inclusive to, represent, value and celebrate the individuals who sharp our community and society. This representation influences how the children think about themselves and how they see their future place as active citizens.  

Our intention is to create our curriculum around equality and diversity through inclusive representation; reframing the traditional teaching of subjects though the western lens and in turn we aim to nurture a sense of belonging and understanding, as well as embedding values of acceptance and empathy.  

Our Diverse Britain strand within our curriculum has Britain at its core, focusing on the stories, both past and present, that have shaped the place that we live in today. Our curriculum offers critical thinking opportunities to discuss the world around us, in order to equip our pupils with the skills and values needed to understand and navigate the diverse landscape around them.  

We hope to instil a sense of belonging for all pupils, enabling them to feel confident that their identities are reflected in our school curriculum. We have identified the strands of Diverse Britain into three strands the thread through our curriculum. 

British Role Models

The aspirations and self-belief of our pupils are shaped by the role models around them. By increasing the visibility of charismatic, British role models in our curriculum and sharing their stories of resilience, dedication and passion, we can support our children to envision what is also in their realms of possibility. 

Celebrating the Impact of Immigration in London

This unpicks the stories behind key locations in London such as Tottenham and Wood Green. Also, through our units of Transport, Journeys we have taken, the concept of travel and migration to Britain. By studying the stories of migration to London and the push and pull factors resulting in these moves, child and human movement are introduced before eventually studying Moving People - The Windrush Generation and their experience children will develop an understanding of the rich history of immigration and the cultural diversity, which exists in the city they live in and which often encapsulates elements of their own identity. 


We believe classrooms can be places of hope, where students are aware of their roles as both actors and leaders in creating change. We give the children the space and opportunity for their voices to be heard on societal issues effecting them. They will then explore possible solutions to these problems through activism, focusing on its many forms: petitions, protests, lobbying, art, online and through literature.