St Michael's CE Primary

Online Safety

Children use the internet all the time for learning which is why it is necessary to make sure that they are safe when on the internet. 

Electrical devices are used in day to day life most of which allow you to access the internet from wherever you are. The most common device children use for the internet is a computer or laptop as most people have either one or the other at their home as well as being in schools. Other devices that you should be aware of are mobile phones, game consoles tablets such as the iPad. You can't always monitor what your child is doing which can cause worry as the internet isn't always safe.


Online Safety poster for Ks1 (4-7yrs)


Online Safety psoter for Ks2 (7-11yrs)

A few ways that you could protect your child are:

Parental controls - parental controls allows you to limit the websites that your child can access when they are on the internet. This will stop them from accessing any inappropriate websites

Keep the computer where you can see it - By doing this you will be able to see what they are looking at and know if click on anything inappropriate or try to talk to someone they don't know.

Pop-up Blocker - Pop-up blocker is an application installed for browsers to stop pop-ups from appearing while you are searching the internet. This is good as some pop-ups can lead to websites you don't want your children visiting.


All staff have undertaken e-safety training with CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre). The staff understand  the risks involved for young people on the internet, be it Social Networking, Smartphone's or Video Chat sites. The internet is an ever changing and evolving environment and we (parents, carers, teachers and support staff) must understand this and be able to give the children the best advice on how to use it safely, and where to go if they feel venerable or victimised. The CEOP button can be found on many websites and  will direct you to their page where you will be able to find help.


For more information please click CEOP.

Below are some links to websites with more information:

DFE Advice leaflet for Parents

Think U Know - Information for 5 - 16 years olds as well as parents, carers and teachers.

Kid Smart - Has different categories that you can look at such as safe searching and social networking.

CBBC Stay Safe - Has videos about different things involving staying safe on the internet.

 7 Tips for Remote Learning


If you have any concerns in regards to Online Safety please contact the

Head of School