Medical Needs
It is very important that you advise the school if your child suffers from any allergies, including food allergies, or from any other medical condition. Parents are required to notify the school office immediately if their child has any infectious disease such as rubella, conjunctivitis, head lice, impetigo, measles, mumps or ringworm.
The School Nurse visits the School regularly and is always available to meet parents by arrangement. Children are given height, weight and dental checks at various intervals in their primary school career.
If your child is taking a prescribed medication, this can be arranged via the school office providing the parent has sought the permission of the Headteacher and has filled out and signed the necessary form. Medicine form
Please let the office staff and teacher know if your child has asthma. We have a storage place for pumps. Please clearly name any pumps. Inhalers are always taken on Educational visits and sports events
Head Lice
Unfortunately, part of school life is getting to know head lice, so please check your child's head regularly! We recommend you adopt the preventative bug busting technique of regular combing with conditioner, using a fine-toothed comb available from most chemists. Advice leaflet
Illness during the day
If your child becomes ill during the day or has a significant accident, we will always contact you, having taken the necessary steps ourselves to ensure your child is safe and cared for. We have several trained first aiders on the staff (names are displayed in the school noticeboards).
It is vital that we have your up to date contact numbers at all times, particularly mobile telephone numbers, and that someone is able, if necessary, to take your child home.